This is Quiet Time

Just Come—A Simple Invitation

“But as for me, it is good to draw near to God." - Psalm 73:4. When I read this verse recently, I was floored by its simplicity and I heard the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit whisper, "Just come. We'll take care of the rest."

As someone who has, at times, felt like I had to journal EACH time I wanted to have "Quiet Time", or bring out all the bible study tools with their matching highlighters (not knocking you if that's your thing, I actually love journaling!), I longed for it to be enough to just show up without all the bells and whistles. Can I get an amen?

If you've ever felt like you HAD to journal or needed all the gadgets in order for your quiet time to be legit, I'm here to tell you, if these things don't actually help you meet with God himself, let 'em go. Do the things that help you draw near.

Our beloved Trinity is interested in spending time with YOU. Not your pretty pens. Not your notebook. Not your concordance. You.

That is what, or rather who, God wants.

How to Draw Near, It’s Simpler Than We’ve Been Told

At the heart of it, "Quiet Time" is simply the invitation to draw near to God. The goal of the paragraph above is to encourage you to give yourself permission to let go of the things that do not help you draw near.

Equally important though, is knowing what actually works. So, what DOES help you get close?

Here are some of the ways (and places) that help me consistently draw near.

Washing dishes while praying 🍽️
Going for a walk🚶🏾‍♀️
Driving along backroads 🚗
Audio bible listening 🎧
Watching the ocean tide 🌊
Singing and making up my own worship songs wherever there are great in the shower 🚿

It’s interesting and rather a relief for me to see that these are regular activities that I do every day, throughout the day. This means that I can draw near to and encounter God all day and throughout the week. Not only once at the beginning or end of my day, or on Sundays. I’m not exactly sure what it is about some of these activities that help me focus, get still, and believe a little bit deeper and love more fully, but they do and that’s enough.

Practical Prompt: Take the next 10-minutes to free write your answer the following question: How do you find God's presence and draw near? Don’t over think it. Simply give yourself permission to honestly name where and when connecting with The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit comes quicker for you.

Again, you don’t have to write down what you “think you should” write down. Just write down what is simply true. After 10-minutes has passed, choose one of the ways you noted and draw near to God using that pathway this week.



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