Do any of these
words resonate?

Peace - Perspective - Connection

Freedom - Boldness - Grace

Purpose - Creativity - Wisdom

Simplicity - Contentment - Kindness

The love of God - Resting in your unique design

Happiness - Wellbeing

If you’re anything like me, maybe you thought, “Umm, all of the above resonate!” My thoughts exactly.

I long to deeply and consistently walk in each and every single one. But is this even possible? I believe so. In fact, I believe each of these words are fitting descriptions of a soul when it is increasingly filled with the love, hope, and faith of Christ. They provide a snapshot of what it looks like to have a healthy, well soul.

But how do we get this “soul wellness”? By nurturing our life with God. I know that sounds so simple. It actually is that simple, but in our world of information overload, we’ve gotten used to thinking that the more complicated the answer, the truer it must be. Not necessarily so, friend.

It is neither more information or knowledge we need, but to experience as real the things we know to be true. So that’s what Honey Salted Words is here for—to stir your affection for God (The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) by offering encouragement and practical resources to help you find him in your actual day-to-day life.

So where can we begin as we seek to nurture our life with God? In and through the type of content we take in.

I’m sure you know on a personal level the impact and power that words have—I know I do. Ideas and the things we believe are often planted first by words. Whether beautiful or damaging, what we hear, read, view, and consume forms us. And it’s rarely neutral. It either forms life and soul wellness in us or…the opposite. We are consummate consumers of content and our level of consumption as a culture probably isn’t going to decrease anytime soon. In light of this, what should we do?

We remember the old proverb, “You are what you eat.” In other words, it’s time to become a pickier eater. To opt for selectivity. To give yourself permission to embrace the content and words that actually bring life.

I love championing and celebrating beautiful yet down-to-earth words. Why? Because I know the impact that encountering such words has had on my life, soul, and connection with Christ. And so, I write and speak to share good words with you from this place of personal experience.

The words you find here are words of honey. That is, words meant to inspire hope, love, and faith in you. Words that encourage and elevate. At the same time, I also write practical, useful words. Words to empower, equip, and resource you. Words that will hopefully help you experience in practice, not solely theory, the life we were promised in Christ. And so, words of salt.

Ultimately, I write to connect you with the One from whom all soul wellness and life flows. The One who wants to connect with you too. The One who wants to fill you with his delightful life—his peace, wisdom, boldness, contentment…well, you remember the list! I pray he is the one you encounter in the content and resources shared here.

Your friend,